February 21

Student & Staff Lunch

Event information

Student & Staff Lunch
Sign up

Date Time

Fri, Feb 21


Brasserie Zernike, Zernikepark 4



I bet you like food. How about you sign up for the student and staff lunch? Join us to chat with our beloved staff over some FREE lunch buffet at Brasserie Zernike.

Come grab a bite with us and meet the professors and support staff of our degree programmes.

Sign up using the form below so we have an indication of the number of people that will be attending.

Be quick as there is limited availability and sign ups close on the 14th of February!

Sign up

Your registration will be linked to your account, so you need to login to register for this activity.

If you're not a member and still want to join, that might be possible. Contact the Board for more information.

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