February 18

Little LAMA

Event information

Little LAMA

Date Time

Tue, Feb 18


Luchtbrug Bar (NB 5111, first floor above main entrance)



You love Lamas? I LOVE LAMAS! You love active members? I LOVE ACTIVE MEMBERS!! We have so much in common. We should talk about it at this fun event I heard about.

Get ready for this year's Little LAMA (Little Lovely Active Member's Activity) !! We will be having a Quiz-type game! Who knows their team best? What team is their smartest? Beat the system and win with your team. We will have snacks and drinks available there as well, all you need to do is show up and enjoy!

This event is only for active members of Cover (committee members). You need to sign up through the Google form you received on your committee's email.

Are you not a committee member and feel left out from all of the fun everyone else is having? Join a committee and joing us for the Large lama later this year! https://svcover.nl/committees