May 26

Computer Graphics lezing

Event information

Computer Graphics lezing

Date Time

Wed, May 26, 2010


BB zaal 293



Deze lezing wordt gegeven door Tobias Isenberg. Hier volgt de abstract:

Traditionally and with increasing success to date, computer graphics has been trying to emulate the photographic camera as closely as possible. During the last two decades, however, non-photorealistic rendering has been established as an exciting new research direction that breaks free from this goal of (photo-)realism. As a research area it takes its inspiration from a long tradition of artistic and illustrative techniques.

In my presentation I will introduce a number of techniques in this domain and how they can be used to create powerful illustrations in the scientific domain. I will talk about how evaluations of rendering results inform the use of these techniques and pose new challenges. In particular, I will show recent results of research done here at the University of Groningen and in collaboration with colleagues worldwide that allows us to create powerful illustrations, for example, in the medical domain.