Information for Students
Last updated on May 22, 2024
Practical Information
Brightspace is the communication platform for all courses to students. Here you can find for instance lecture slides and practical assignments.
Ocasys covers all rules and regulations regarding courses. Here you can for example find the definite way your grade for the course will be calculated as well as what books you will need for a course and minimum requirements.
Progress allows you to sign up for courses and exams, and you will be able to find the list of your grades here as well. The grades that are displayed on Progress are you final, definite grades! Always be aware about when you can sign up for courses, the deadline is sooner than you think!
Information Services provided by the RUG can answer questions about registration, tuition fees, scholarships and immigration. The Information Services also works as the service desk for International students but the RUG also provides a website where they share information specificially for arriving international students.
DUO (Dutch only website) has the latest information about your study financing.
Academic Advisors
In the Bernoulliborg we have academic advisors that can help you on a wide range of topics from study to personal problems, all with complete confidentiality. The academic advisors have open hours for 10 minute appointments as well as a scheduling system for when the appointment is more than 10 minutes.
The academic advisors for Artificial Intelligence are Rachel van der Kaaij and Jennifer Smit-Hobbs. Jennifer is available for first and second year BSc AI students. Rachel is available for MSc students of AI and Computational Cognitive Science and BSc students excluding first years. More information and how to contact Jennifer and Anna can be found at their website.
For Computing Science the academic advisors are Tom Vermist and Korrie Bonnema. Tom is available for BSc CS students, and Korrie is available for both BSc and MSc students of CS as well as MSc students of Systems and Control. More information about them can be foundon the academic advisor website.
Study Support
At Cover we like to offer study support to our members. We have a dedicated committee to study support called the StudCee. The StudCee create several support lectures which occur just before the exam period every term. They also host our Exams & Summaries website where members are able to submit their old course summaries as well as exam material they come accross. Recently they have also created the tutoring system CACTuS that is available to all members of Cover.
Other questions about studying which aren't related to the degree programme can be handled by the Student Service Centre. They can help with efficient studying, studying with learning disorders and can offer help in the form of student counsellors and psychologists.
If you have any more questions about education feel free to email the board at General emails or inquiries can be sent to