Student Representation

Last updated on February 12

Programme Committee

Every degree programme or cluster of degree programmes has a Programme Committee installed by the Faculty Board. The Programme Committee consists of a mixture of staff and students from different stages of the degree programme. The Programme Committee has the following duties:

  • To advise on the Teaching and Examination Regulations ('OER').

  • To annually assess the way the Teaching and Examination Regulations are implemented.

  • To advise (solicited or unsolicited) on all matters relating to teaching in the respective degree programme.

The Programme Committee is also responsible for checking the rules and regulations of your study programme and organising the "Teacher of the Year" and "TA of the Year" Awards.

School of Science and Engineering

The School of Science and Engineering (SSE) is responsible for organizing and running the 40 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. These programmes are organized into 6 disciplinary clusters. Each of the clusters is supervised by a programme board and supported by a cluster team.

The SSE can be found at BB 5161.0548.

Faculty Council

The Faculty Council advises the Faculty Board on matters relating to faculty management. The council consists of nine staff and nine student members, elected by their peers every two years and one year respectively (via a Progress election). The Faculty Council approves things such as the faculty teaching and exam regulations. The faculty council also discusses matters such as faculty finances, faculty-wide education and faculty building management.

University Council

The University Council (UC) represents staff and students of the UG on a central level. The UC has twenty-four democratically elected members - twelve staff members and twelve student members - and represents the interests of the academic community by critically evaluating the University Board’s decisions.

There are three student parties:

  1. De Vrije Student: De Vrije Student aims to represent the ideal individual freedom of the student and the academic community in all universities and universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands.

  2. Lijst Calimero: Lijst Calimero aims to improve the quality of education.

  3. Studenten Organisatie Groningen (SOG): SOG aims to represent the interests of all students on a university level.