December 12

CANCELLED - Symposium: Space

Event information

CANCELLED - Symposium: Space

Date Time

Thu, Dec 12, 2013


Grand Theatre



Due to medical circumstances one of our speakers had to cancel. We are therefore, regrettably, forced to cancel the symposium this Thursday, as we did not find a symposium with only one speaker worthwhile. We hope for your understanding.

Houston, we have a symposium!

Chances are you dreamed of being an astronaut as a kid. This dream probably won’t come true but your interest in space never subdued. December 12th we will try to satisfy your thirst for spacerelated information, by letting awesome people speak about Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in space.

CS and AI play a huge part in the development of technology in space. Think about the autonomy of Curiosity or the navigation of a spacecraft. Space can of course also be researched (safely) from Earth: Creating high-res images of the universe, using satellites to record Earth from afar or finding evidence of alien life.

So please join us December 12th at the Grand Theatre on the ‘Grote Markt’. For more information, have a look at our website