February 19


Event information


Date Time

Wed, Feb 19, 2014
till Thu, Feb 20, 2014


Kokomo beach club (Gelkingestraat 1)



The Alfabetfeest (Alphabet Party) is an annual event organized by different study associations from the University of Groningen. Every year a letter from the alphabet is chosen as a theme. This year the theme is 'R You Ready?' That means you can prepare yourself for a swell outfit that has something to do with the letter R!

This years edition will take place at Wednesday the 19th of February in Kokomo Beach Club. Doors are open at 22:00 until 23:30. The party will take until 4:00. Tickets are available in the Cover Room. Just ask a board member to buy your ticket. Tickets are only 5 euro in the pre-sale and 7.50 euro when you buy them at the entrance.