IT Talent Debate
Event information
Date Time
Hotel Casa 400 (Amsterdam)
This years IT Talent Debate is going to start again! During the IT Talent Debate of 2014 there will be 10 IT employers versus a room full of students in a substantive debate about company cultures, trends and innovations and also social themes regaring IT. This event is free of cost.
Companies participating this year are AFAS, Atos, Incentro, Capgemini, EsperantoXL, KZA, Sociale Verzekeringsbank, Topicus, VX Company and Ymor. This year there will also be a guest speaker from SciSports, a company that tries to combine IT and sports through various technologies. They will also tell about the Oculus Rift, the virtual reality glasses, and how they use these to create virtual realities from real sport situations.
Finally there are also a lot of different workshops organized by the participating companies that you can attend. You can choose between twelve different workshops.
For more information visit the website (sadly the website is only available in Dutch):