Quintor Visit & Dinner
Event information
Quintor is a software company from Groningen specialized in Agile software development, Enterprise Java / .NET technology and mobile development.
16.30 Departure from Bernoulliborg
17:00 Arrival at Quintor, welcome and short introduction about Quintor
17:15 Show you around and tell about the building and projects we do
17:45 Coffe and tea and discussion about some themes (suggestions):
- Quintors DUO projects (what do they consists of, how is a support system developed for that...)
- Quintors inventions (Which products have you launched, how does your creative process work...)
- What makes Quintor a success
- How would a graduate student describe a business model
18:30 Simple meal (pizza or chinese)
19:00 Introduction in Scrum
19:30 End visit
A Maximum of 15 participants can go to quintor (including StudCie). Please register below if you would like to join us. First-come, first-served!