June 20

Sailing weekend

Event information

Sailing weekend

Date Time

Fri, Jun 20, 2014
till Sun, Jun 22, 2014


Recreatieoord "De Koevoet" Troelstraweg 17, Teroele



We'd like to invite you to join as for a weekend of sailing. During the weekend of the 20th of June we'll set sail from "Recreatieoord de Koevoet" and we will spend the second night in Sneek. In the mean time there will be no program, so you can go with your boat wherever the winds may take you. What's also great: no prior experience with sailing is required! Whether you are a veteran captain or a rookie deckmate, it doesn't matter! All are welcome and every boat will have at least one person who has experience as captain.

To sign up, and for more information, check our website:

What: Sailing with Cover
Where: Langweer
When: 20, 21, and 22th of June
Website: https://piracie.svcover.nl
Costs: ¤ 60,-
