October 09

Inhousedag TNO

Event information

Inhousedag TNO

Date Time

Thu, Oct 9, 2014


Eemsgolaan 3, 9727DW Groningen



*NOTE: This event will be held in Dutch*

TNO Groningen organises an inhouse day on Thursday 9th of October. This day is meant to give older year bachelor students and master students an impression of what TNO does in Groningen and if the company would be interesting for you.

If you want to join, please register before Monday the 6th by sending an email to extern@svcover.nl.

The program will start at 12:00, and will be as follows.

12.00 Inloop
12.15 Welkom door vestigingsmanager Paul de Jager
12.30 Welkom en uitleg programma door Ilona van Maanen (HR)
12.45 Interactieve demo - Demo zaal / Sensor lab
13.30 Lunch met TNO’ers - Demo zaal
14.00 Interactieve demo - Vergaderzaal
14.45 Interactieve demo - Demo zaal
15.30 Parallelle speeddate sessies - Vergaderzaal
16.30 Napraten + afsluiting door Ilona van Maanen onder het genot van een drankje.