March 17

Bèta Business Days

Event information

Bèta Business Days

Date Time

Tue, Mar 17, 2015
till Thu, Mar 19, 2015


This activity is not organised by Cover.
Placed by: Board

March the 17th, 18th and 19th, the 28th edition of the Beta Business Days will take place at ‘Het Kasteel’ in Groningen (Melkweg 1). This three-day career event is a great opportunity for you as beta student to explore the possibilities for your career and get in touch with interesting companies.

At the Beta Business Days there are different activities for all students of the FWN. If you’re looking for a job or internship, you can enroll in a case, business lunch or individual interview. Keep in mind that there are deadlines for these activities March 1th or 8th, depending on the company.

If you’re not finished with your study but curious about the possibilities for your future career it is also a great event for you. Would you like to learn how to applicate or get your resume checked out? Would you like to know what to wear to your job interview? Learn about negotiating, entrepreneurship, creative thinking, assessments or assertiveness? Discuss during the social drinks the experiences and prospects on the business life with a recruiter? Come to the Beta Business Days!

Furthermore, there will be two keynote speakers, CEO of the NAM and CEO of Philips Benelux.

If you find renewable energy and the innovations interesting, go to the conference ‘Offshore Wind Energy’! On the morning of March 18th, three companies will give their view and expertise on this subject.

Still not convinced? The Beta Business Days is organized for you as Beta student, so breakfast, lunch, social drinks and of course every activity is free. Register at and sign in for the different activities. Upload your resume and fill in a motivation if you want to participate a case or an individual interview. You can find information about the companies and the schedule on the site.

For more information and registration:

Watch the impression video here.
