April 12

Brainstorm Session

Event information

Brainstorm Session

Date Time

Tue, Apr 12, 2016



It is the time to share your opinions and views again! During this Brainstorm session we invite members to discuss all kinds of topics related to Cover.
The Brainstorm will not only be with the board but also with some committees this time. The Introcee, AC/DCee, ComExA and PhotoCee have some points they want to hear about. So come and join us, get creative!

We will be discussing:
- Board: Engaging Computing Science students
- ComExA: What can companies offer us?
- Board: Activities suiting Cover
- Board: GA Attendance
- Board: Sense of Responsibility
- IntroCee: Cleaning toilets at introductory camp
- IntroCee: introductory games (Get to know games)
- AC/DCee: New Website (Contentual)
- PhotoCee: Expectations of Photo’s

Sense of Responsibility
The number of members of Cover has grown over the past year. While this has many advantages, there are also some negative effects. How can we make sure that members still feel and act responsibly in a growing association?

General Assembly
Among other things the attendance of the GA’s has been dropping. During this Brainstorm Session we want to discuss with you what can be done to change this trend.

Activities suiting Cover
Some activities are way more popular than others. We think it is a good idea to think about what type and form of activities match what our members want.

Computing Science students within Cover
We want to discuss whether there is enough variability in our activities and how we can make CS students aware of activities for which they are target audience.