July 08
Final Activity: Jumping in Utrecht
Event information
Final Activity: Jumping in Utrecht
The end of this school year is already approaching! It is time to put on your sunglasses and prepare for the summer. The Activitee has organised one last epic activity to help you start feeling the holiday vibes.
We are going to Utrecht to jump! Utrecht has the biggest jumping centre of Europe! You don't want to miss this!
After jumping we will have some dinner. Then we are heading back to Groningen with some beers in the train and we will have a borrel to end this perfect day.
More details are coming soon, but save the date! (Train costs will be paid for, if you don't have a student ov card.)
Please sign up here before Thursday the 7th of July at 10am: http://goo.gl/forms/ZUQ2lBwNqD7siw762