May 16


Event information


Date Time

Tue, May 16, 2017


Grote Markt



Do you know all the ins and outs of Groningen? Or would you love getting to know them? This is your chance! Join us for ZIGZAG, a quest through Groningen with a group of fellow students. At the most wonderful spots in Groningen there will be assignments for your group, but you first need to solve the riddles in order to find them. Earn jokers by completing the assingments and use them in your advantage in THE BIG FINAL.

Join us at the Grote Markt at 15:30 or come and check out THE BIG FINAL in the Noorderplantsoen at 18:00.

Since the weather forecast is really nice we are having a barbecue(bring your own food) after the BIG FINAL in the Noorderplantsoen. Make sure you join us!!!