September 20
Event information
It's Cover's birthday again and this year's dies theme will be "Di(e)scover"!
At 15:30 we'll start out in the Coverroom with a blind craft beer tasting competition and a scavenger hunt. Make sure to take your friends with you because this will be a team effort.
After that, at 19:30, we'll go out for dinner at Wereldburgers. You can get a burger of choice and fries for €10. Do you want to join? Sign up here:
Starting from 21:30 there is a social in 't Gat van Groningen, where every member can join up again, even if you skipped the dinner part. Beer will be only € 1,- and 2 jugs of mixtures will cost only € 10,-.
We're very excited to celebrate our birthday and we hope to see you all there!