Crazy 88 Quarantine Edition
Event information
All of us are sitting at home and getting more and more bored. So the 'Tivitee came up with something for you to do! Namely, the Crazy 88 Quarantine Edition. We will kick it off on Monday with a nice introduction video. We will post 22 tasks for you to do every 2 weeks. All the tasks have to be uploaded by video or photo (details on this will follow when you've signed up via email). You can participate in a teams of 2 to 6, but if you have a hard time finding team members you can sign up alone and we'll find you a team.
!Please keep in mind that all tasks can and SHOULD be done keeping the 1.5 meter social distancing rule in mind. You do not have to do the tasks physically together, although you can if you want to.
See our video here:
Part 1: 18 May - 1 June
Part 2: 1 June - 15 June
Live stream Journal with a summary of the great submissions
Part 3: 15 June - 29 June
Part 4: 29 June- 8 July
Crazy88 (virtual?) Ending
We hope to see a lot of great submissions!
Love, the 'tivitee!