February 14

Afstudeercolloquium: Paul Plasman

Event information

Afstudeercolloquium: Paul Plasman

Date Time

Tue, Feb 14, 2006


Muntinggebouw, zaal 127



Dit jaar gaat CoVer ook de (afstudeer-)colloquia promoten. Zodoende kunnen leden een duidelijker beeld krijgen van het onderzoek aan
het eigen instituut. Wil je meer van de colloquia weten? Kijk dan op www.ai.rug.nl/nl/colloquia

Deze week: Paul Plasman - Non-verbal Social Human-Robot Interaction

Toelichting bij dit colloquium:
For my thesis I worked on a simulation of a mobile tour guide robot. This autonomous robot is aimed to function in a public space, mainly interacting with one person.

During its tour, the robot should make sure that the guided person keeps following the robot. This means that it should maintain the person’s attention and, whenever something goes wrong (i.e. the person stops following the robot), signal this to the person.

The robot has the ability to communicate by making use of the movement of its body and its occupation of the space. Since the robot is only a simple box equipped with wheels, its movements are limited. Nonetheless its behaviours will need to be sufficiently expressive to be correctly understood by the person.

The robot’s behaviours are implemented on BRIAN, a multi-layered behaviour architecture that makes use of fuzzy logic in its reasoning process.