October 06

[Online] CoverTalks: Davide Grossi

Event information

[Online] CoverTalks: Davide Grossi

Date Time

Tue, Oct 6, 2020


Blackboard Collaborate, Cover Nestor page



Davide Grossi addresses the Rug AI/CS class of 2020

David Grossi is our awesome in-house associate professor in Multi-Agent Decision Making at the Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the University of Groningen.

He taught Artificial Intelligence 1, Introduction to Logic, Computational Social Choice at the University of Groningen and Digital Legal Studies at University of Amsterdam. With plenty of publications in the field we can't wait to hear is insights and answers to your juicy questions!
Blackboard Collaborate guest link: https://eu.bbcollab.com/gues…bdb14d1cb497e81a6889c39df3bd3

More information at https://davidegrossi.me