October 09
[Online] Imperative Programming Q&A
Event information
[Online] Imperative Programming Q&A
Date Time
Fri, Oct 9, 2020
Online - bbcolab https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/01e50ad15b5c44ce920a2b16ba11845f
A question and answering event where people can ask any question about Imperative Programming, from simple to complex. The questions will be answered by former tutor in Cover's CACTuS system, head of Imperative Programming TAs last year, 2 year Algorithms and Datastructures TA, and honours student Isaiah van Hunen.
The event is on the Cover Nestor page (guest link). It starts at 19:00 and it stops when your questions stop! In the case of there being no questions, he will go over a previous midterm resit with you. If you have any questions beforehand please submit them to education@svcover.nl so we can prepare accordingly.
See you there!