December 02

[Online] The Big Launch Social

Event information

[Online] The Big Launch Social
Sign up

Date Time

Wed, Dec 2, 2020


Cover Discord (



The ActiviTee is back with another online social!
This one will feature an activity to get you hyped for the launch of the new website the AC/DCee has been working very hard on! It might also include some very early Christmasy stuff to already get you in that happy Christmas mood!
Like the last social, this one will also include free drinks and some snacks for you to pick up, this time you can choose what drink you'd prefer, so sign up!
We hope to see as many of you as possible at this amazing second social!

Sign up

Your registration will be linked to your account, so you need to login to register for this activity.

If you’re not a member and still want to join, that might be possible. Contact the ActiviTee for more information.

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