[Online] Bootcamp: Attention & Perspective
Event information
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The first bootcamp this year will be about questions we have all asked ourselves as students: how can I be in control of my life, and how can I be productive while taking care of myself physically and mentally? Martijn Veringa from The Boundary Condition will elaborate on these questions during this bootcamp, with regard to attention and perspective, the two topics received the most votes from you!
Topic abstracts:
Many external and internal factors are demanding our attention. Understanding that and using a few good tools, helping us better cultivate and manage our attention. This will make you feel more in control, improve your focus, creativity, and clarity of mind.
Many prolific writers and thinkers have told us that: 'Our most powerful tools as human beings is that no matter how bad the circumstance, we can always decide how we respond to it.'. This is very relevant to our happiness, ability to handle stress, axienty, perfectionism, making decisions, and saying no, which will all be covered.
Link: https://eu.bbcollab.com/gues…9dc7d246a4ba98c40344d36eb23ae
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