May 20

[Online] Career Day: BelSimpel & VerifAI

Event information

[Online] Career Day: BelSimpel & VerifAI
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Date Time

Thu, May 20, 2021


Gather Town



There are many things to work on when developing for a website such as Belsimpel. Even only a small part, such as internationalization, can provide for a number of interesting challenges to solve. In this presentation we'll focus on phone numbers, and how they can be more tricky than you'll initially suspect. And we will also introduce our spin off Verifai: Neural network models are starting to play an integral role in modern software systems. How do we migrate neural models from their experimental setting to a production environment? What challenges do we face when integrating these models into our ecosystem? In this talk we discuss what happens when machine learning and software engineering meet.

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