June 16

[Online] Study Support Lecture: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus

Event information

[Online] Study Support Lecture: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus

Date Time

Wed, Jun 16, 2021


Blackboard Collaborate, Cover Nestor page



Struggling to determine the determinant? 3 dimensional matrix transformations onto the 5 dimensional plane just sounding like a star trek quote? Join us at the Studcee support lecture for LA&MVC where we will go through a mock exam and answer any questions you might have about the course. Just go to the Cover Nestor page (in 2019/20 courses) and to live sessions or follow the guest link if you are not a member: https://eu.bbcollab.com/gues…66c44bfee4167940e24ba102880bd