February 21

[Heimweek] - Ultimate Frisbee

Event information

[Heimweek] - Ultimate Frisbee
Sign up

Date Time

Tue, Feb 21, 2023


HG Hall, Sportscentrum ACLO



On this second day of the Heimweek we will invite everyone to join us for some stress relief by playing some Ultimate Frisbee with us! The equipment will be provided, and there will be some experienced players there to explain the rules of the game to everyone! So put on your sport clothes and join us!

Note on the location: you can find the hall if you go all straight from the entrance, towards the end of the corridor. Go straight until you see Zaal 4 on your right, and on your left there will be the HG hall.

Sign up

Your registration will be linked to your account, so you need to login to register for this activity.

If you’re not a member and still want to join, that might be possible. Contact the Board XXXII for more information.

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