March 17

AI Master's Fair

Event information

AI Master's Fair
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Date Time

Fri, Mar 17, 2023


Victor J. Koningsbergergebouw, Budapestlaan 4a-b, 3584CD, Utrecht



At the Master's Fair in Utrecht, the biggest universities in the Netherlands will present the AI-related master degrees they offer. Join for an opportunity to talk in person with teachers and students from the the University of Amsterdam, Radboud University, Utrecht University, and Tilburg University.

Each university will present their AI-related masters, after which you'll have the chance talk to course professors and students who have graduated from their masters and can offer a unique insight in the degrees that might interest you, while enjoying some coffee and tea of course. The second part of the event is market-style, so you can walk around, and come and go whenever you like.

13:00 Presentations
14:30 Information Market

Victor J. Koningsbergergebouw
Zaal Atlas (presentations)
Koningsbergergebouw Hall (information market)

Note 1: the transportation is covered individually

Note 2: depending on the number of people paying for the transport, we could arrange group tickets.

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