October 10

Stafcolloquium Axel Brink

Event information

Stafcolloquium Axel Brink

Date Time

Tue, Oct 10, 2006


Zaal 122, IDEA gebouw



In my Ph.D. project, I try to make a computer program that can identify the writer of a handwritten text. Great progress on the subject has already been made in our institute. I build upon this knowledge and try to find new ways of improving the identification performance using a computer.

A prototype of this program will be evaluated in the daily practice at NFI (Dutch forensic institute). This intended use in practice imposes several hurdles to automatic writer identification. These practical hurdles are therefore an important issue in this research.

During the colloquium I will show some current approaches to automatic writer identification, report on my own progress, elaborate on practical matters and point to future plans. I encourage the audience to ask questions and raise ideas in order to make this colloquium interactive and instructive for both me and the audience.