September 08

[Kick-Off] Introductory Camp

Event information

[Kick-Off] Introductory Camp

Date Time

Fri, Sep 8, 2023
till Sun, Sep 10, 2023


Pagedal, Stadskanaal



Dear first-year students of Artificial Intelligence and Computing Science,

We are happy to welcome you to the University of Groningen and to the study association Cover. In order to make your first week of university as fun and memorable as possible, the IntroCee (Introductory Committee of Cover) organises an introductory week. Throughout the week, we organise activities, such a treasure hunt and a barbeque, for you to get to know your fellow students and mentor groups even more. During that weekend we will also be hosting an introductory camp, located outside of Groningen (transportation, accommodation and food is arranged by Cover), with loads of games and activities for you to engage in and bond with other first-year students and seniors. Of course, there will be some surprise events as well! Oftentimes the people you meet during the camp remain your friends -or your trusted lab partners- for the rest of your studies!

All of the introductory week activities will be posted on the calendar on the Cover website,, so keep an eye out for updates. If anything about the introductory activities is unclear, you can always email us:

Our introductory activities are:

  • Treasure Hunt: Monday, September 4, 2023 (done with your mentor group during the first meeting)

  • Introductory BBQ: Wednesday, September 6, 2023, 17:00 (in front of Bernoulliborg)

  • Introductory Social: Wednesday, September 6, 2023, 21:00 (location TBA)

  • INTRODUCTORY CAMP: September 8 - 10, 2023 (Pagedal, Stadskanaal)

For more information about the introductory activities and the sign-up form, visit