April 29

[Sustainability Week] Crochet for Charity

Event information

[Sustainability Week] Crochet for Charity

Date Time

Mon, Apr 29, 2024


BB 5161.0041b



While philanthropy and sustainability are not to be confused with each other, they still go hand and hand with each other. During this event, we are making a blanket from multiple crochet pieces which we will make during the event. So if you are new to crochet and want to learn or are a seasoned hooker, join and have a good time with some drinks and snacks while snitching and stitching. The resulting blanket will be given to the hospital for people in need of some additional support during hard times. If you have any spare yarn lying at home, feel free to bring some!

And if you want to have dinner together before the event, join us for our pre-crochet dinner! 🧶