April 22

Masterclass Bioinformatics

Event information

Masterclass Bioinformatics

Date Time

Tue, Apr 22, 2008


Universiteit van Amsterdam (Roeterstraat 15, Amsterdam)



Title: Navigating the Transcriptomal Forests, Challenges and Opportunities in Regulatory Network Reconstruction

Date: 22 April 2008
Time: 19.30-20.30 uur
Location: Geb A, zaal AB.44, University of Amsterdam; Roeterstraat 15, Amsterdam

Lecturer: Dr Shannon K McWeeney, Oregon Health and Science University,

In the last few years, it has become clear that that the complexity of the transcriptome has been greatly underestimated. With current technological advances, it is now possible to have true "genome wide" data sets with regards to sequence variants, expression, transcription factor binding sites, as well as information about regulatory noncoding elements. These data sets offer a variety of challenges with regard to data integration and mining but can ultimately allow us to begin to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of transcriptomal diversity and regulation.
In this Masterclass we will focus on network reconstruction and analysis of transcriptional regulation which requires multidisciplinary approaches from diverse disciplines such as genetics, statistics, computer science and mathematics. The examples to be discussed range from cancer to infectious disease, highlighting the highly translational applications of this work.

During the 5th International Symposiun on Networks in Bioinformatics (ISNB 2008) a masterclass Bioinformatics is scheduled on Tuesday evening April 22). For the masterclass especially students (bachelor level) from computer science, mathematics, biology and other disciplines are invited. Students have free access to the masterclass (advance registration is required).

See http://isnb.amc.uva.nl/isnb2008 for all registration details