Cover's History
Last updated on May 27, 2024
Cover was founded on September 20, 1993 by a number of enthusiastic students from the study Technical Cognitive Sciences. The official name was 'Cognitie Vereniging' (Cognition Association), which from the beginning was abbreviated as “CoVer”. Technical Cognitive Sciences was a study within the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Over time, the content of this study has changed and the name has been changed to Artificial Intelligence.
As of January 1, 2008, the study Artificial Intelligence is part of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. It was part of the OIC (Opleidingsinstituut Informatica en Cognitie / Educational Institute Informatics and Cognition). An OIC working group was set up in 2006 to investigate the possibilities of Cover within the OIC. During a General Assembly in January 2007 they presented their findings. Since Artificial Intelligence has been in one branch with the Computing Science study since 2008, it seemed more convenient from an organizational point of view to also have one association for the OIC. Cover would therefore take over the task of the FMF (Fysisch-Mathematische Faculteitsvereniging) as a study association for Computer Science.
Cover is founded on September 20.
AI becomes a full-time programme with a complete Bachelor (no longer just post-propaedeutic). The study is attracting more students and Cover has been growing in membership for a number of years from this year onwards.
Cover moves from basement of Heymans building to old repro building in the garden of the PPSW/GMW complex.
There is a bit of uncertainty as to when and where we moved between 2003 and 2005, but this is our assumption:
Cover (and the study of AI) moves to the Grote Appelstraat 23. The growth of AI and Cover gives rise to further professionalization of the association. Things like transfer documents and activity evaluation forms are being developed.
Alumni association Axon becomes a separate association (previously a committee of Cover).
Cover moves to the “Coverhuys” (Grote Appelstraat 5 [?]), an entire building for Cover alone. First discussions arise about a joint future for AI & Computer Science students, with regard to study and perhaps also study association. Cover tries to profile itself more at sister associations. Both within Groningen and outside Groningen. The first steps are being taken for the foundation of a national KI study association (NSVKI).
Cover moves to a room in the IDEA building (north of Zernike campus).
Cover decides to be the study association for all students of AI and CS.
Cover moves to the Bernoulliborg. First in an office room of one of the upper floors, and then on the ground floor into the room which was separated later into 0044 and 0046. The Cover room was known as the SLACK (SuperLeuke Actieve Cover-Kamer).
Cover moves 0041a, the current Cover room, known as the CACHE.