Sister Associations

Last updated on June 11

U.S.C.K.I. Incognito

Cognitive Artificial Intelligence • Utrecht University


Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computing (Specialisation in Artificial Intelligence) and Intelligent Technology (Specialisation Artificial Intelligence) • Radboud University, Nijmegen


Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Information Sciences • University of Amsterdam

MSV Incognito

Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering (DKE) • Maastricht University

De Leidsche Flesch

Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics and Computer Science • Leiden University

W.I.S.V. 'Christiaan Huygens'

Applied Mathematics and Computer Science • Delft University of Technology


Computer Science and Information Science • Utrecht University


Mathematics and Computing Science • Technical University of Eindhoven


Computer Science and Information Science • Radboud University, Nijmegen

I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief

Technical Information Science, Business and IT • University of Twente, Enschede


Communication & Information Sciences, Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence and Data Science & Society • Tilburg University

National Assemblies

The sister associations have national assemblies where the boards of the associations meet to discuss current issues and to organise events.


The WISO stands for "Wiskunde & Informatica Studieverenigingen Overleg" and is the consultative body and assembly of the Dutch study associations of Mathematics and Computer Science.


The NSVKI stands for "Nederlandse Studievereniging voor Kunstmatige Intelligentie" and is the national study association for artificial intelligence. It also organises the NAIS (National Artificial Intelligence Summit), which is a periodic consultation of all of the Dutch study associations for Artificial intelligence.