
Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

Have you got Facebooks stalker mode?

14% 14%
44% 44%
42% 42%

Total votes: 43 Final result

Photo of Ramira van der Meulen

Technically I do, but not on my 'own' account. Does that give me extra points?

Photo of Anonymous
Photo of Anonymous

We've got a real stalker here :D

Photo of Anonymous
Photo of Anonymous

For anyone that wants to participate in the beta:


Photo of Anonymous
Photo of Anonymous

or would you rather have:

Photo of Anonymous
Photo of Anonymous

Whether you have it or not is not relevant to other people making queries about you. So even if you keep opting out, other people will be able to look you up via graph search. So there is no harm in at least being on the same stalker level ;)