
Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

When will we get the lustrumbooks?
We have been waiting a long time. When will we finally get them?

6% 6%
6% 6%
6% 6%
36% 36%
42% 42%
3% 3%

Total votes: 33 Final result

Photo of Jordi van Giezen
Photo of Jordi van Giezen


Photo of Anonymous
Photo of Anonymous




There, now can I have my book?

Photo of Anita Drenthen
Photo of Anita Drenthen

still waiting... :)

Photo of Ramira van der Meulen
Photo of Ramira van der Meulen

'In a week.' is unfortunately no longer an option ;)

Photo of Anita Drenthen
Photo of Anita Drenthen

It's just like waiting for a game release...

"it's done! The game will be available very soon!"


Photo of Dirk Zittersteyn
Photo of Dirk Zittersteyn

De lustrumcie werkt op Valve time...