
Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

A vacation well spent is a vacation spent ...

3% 3%
11% 11%
19% 19%
11% 11%
19% 19%
36% 36%

Total votes: 36 Final result

Photo of Steven Warmelink
Photo of Steven Warmelink

A combination of most of those things would be best ^^

Photo of Ramira van der Meulen

Relaxing by the pool I don't have :'(

Photo of Anita Drenthen
Photo of Anita Drenthen

I don't think that many students own a pool, Arnoud, But you can still go to one ;) :p

Photo of Jelmer van der Linde


Photo of Marijn Pool
Photo of Marijn Pool


Photo of Anonymous
Photo of Anonymous

Going abroad and out of your comfort zone, meeting new people and seeing new things, banishing thoughts about study or work and recharge your inner battery ;)

Photo of Annet Onnes
Photo of Annet Onnes

Seeing new places, relaxing, sleeping, having fun, meeting old friends and new people, doing those things that you during year think about 'Really want to do that, but I don't have time!'.