
Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

What is your favorite holiday?

7% 7%
19% 19%
19% 19%
52% 52%
0% 0%
4% 4%

Total votes: 27 Final result

Photo of Joris Jan de Keijser
Photo of Joris Jan de Keijser

I kind of miss Sinterklaas in this poll...

Photo of Jan Kazemier
Photo of Jan Kazemier

International Talk Like a Pirate Day and CAPSLOCK DAY ARE ALSO MISSING

Photo of Jordi van Giezen
Photo of Jordi van Giezen

Pinksteren ftw!

Photo of Eric Jansen
Photo of Eric Jansen

20th of September ;)

Photo of Rolf Daling
Photo of Rolf Daling

Bommen Berend!

Photo of Anonymous
Photo of Anonymous

I miss an option for none of the above. I'm not really a holiday person, but international suit up day is fine. Same for world standards day (because they make our lives easier).

Also: people might be influenced by the next (2) holidays, that are coming up quite quick

Photo of Kevin Nauta
Photo of Kevin Nauta

Bommen Berend +1!

(dan ben ik jarig :3 )

Photo of Anonymous
Photo of Anonymous

Summer holidays?