
Photo of Jordi van Giezen
Photo of Jordi van Giezen

My New Year's resolution is:
Most of you got them, New Year's resolutions. So which one is the most important one and are you going to keep it?

This should've been a checkbox poll but we don't have that feature yet (note to self)

0% 0%
8% 8%
24% 24%
24% 24%
13% 13%
32% 32%

Total votes: 38 Final result

Photo of Jordi van Giezen
Photo of Jordi van Giezen

Kicking it off: All of the above with the note that I don't smoke so quitting shouldn't be too hard ;)

Photo of Jan van Houten
Photo of Jan van Houten

I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't gain weight, I don't spend too much, and ECTs have never been a problem.
How about doing the opposite of at least one or two of these resolutions and just have some more fun? :D

Photo of Jordi van Giezen
Photo of Jordi van Giezen

Start drinking then ;) Guaranteed you'll gain weight, spend more money and score less ECTS than expected (or aimed for)

Photo of Anonymous
Photo of Anonymous

Mine's saving money. Or invent something that automatically makes money return to me, in which case I shouldn't save, just earn a lot.

Photo of Kevin Nauta
Photo of Kevin Nauta

I don't have any resolutions, for the sole reason of never having kept to one in the past...

also 'loose weight' ?
I think you mean 'to lose weight' ;)

Photo of Jordi van Giezen
Photo of Jordi van Giezen

Geen idee waar je het over hebt Kevin :')

Photo of Ramira van der Meulen

Jordi's New Year's resolution is less polls by Maikel? :')

Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

That's a great resolution though

Photo of Annet Onnes
Photo of Annet Onnes

To watch more movies!

Photo of Rob Tierolff
Photo of Rob Tierolff


Sowieso meer ects.