
Photo of Jonathan Hogervorst
Photo of Jonathan Hogervorst

Who’re more scary?
A discussion did not yield an answer to this important question. Let’s vote!

29% 29%
71% 71%

Total votes: 35 Final result

Photo of Eric Jansen
Photo of Eric Jansen

Currently, 100% of the voters is correct :D

Photo of Anonymous
Photo of Anonymous

On the off chance that a joke about men being women and vice versa is not appreciated, I've opted to just vote for men, because I think they have more potential for active destruction than women :P

Photo of Ramira van der Meulen
Photo of Ramira van der Meulen

I'm kind of afraid this poll is going to be biased, though ;)

Photo of Menno Liefstingh
Photo of Menno Liefstingh

Wat een kut poll

Photo of Diederik Eilers
Photo of Diederik Eilers

Wat een kut poll