
Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

I want a PS4 in the coverroom
To play FIFA, Towerfall Ascension and many more games.

33% 33%
42% 42%
25% 25%

Total votes: 64 Final result

Photo of Ramira van der Meulen
Photo of Ramira van der Meulen

Where's the 'Ga weg Maikel'-option?

Photo of Eric Jansen
Photo of Eric Jansen

I think the phrasing of the question is too simple to take the results seriously. This poll would have been insightful, had you phrased it like this: Should Cover spend €600,- on a PS4 (incl. games, controllers, etc.)? (or something similar to that).

My answer to the current question would be 'Yes', but if you would have chosen to phrase it as I suggested, my answer is 'No'.

Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

I think the poll as is can be taken quite seriously even though not stating the costing price in the question. People know that a PS4 costs quite a bit of money and with the current pricing you would get a PS4, 4 controllers and FIFA for 510 euro's. In comparison, we spend the same amount on some other things (an end of the year party, refund for suits, a beamer(last year)), that the average member that fills in this poll might also not agree with. Next to that, we are talking about a 1-time investment here, not something that we need to pay for every single year.

If the question was asked along the lines of 'I would like a PS4 in the coverroom', I might have agreed with you, but by asking if people actually WANT it, I think we can assume that everyone who clicks on yes knows fully in what order of magnitude the costs might lie.

Photo of Anonymous
Photo of Anonymous

The distinction between want and would like is minimal especially with non-native speakers. Also, not everyone is known with what happened at the GA and therefore might vote yes without thinking or looking in to it any further, because (let's be honest) polls are almost never serious.

Photo of Harry de Boer
Photo of Harry de Boer

Waar is de Nanne-optie? ("Ik ben Dirk-optie").

Photo of Eric Jansen
Photo of Eric Jansen

I'm not sure why you think 'would like' is that different from 'want', IMO it's just a polite form of the very same thing. When I first read the poll, I read it as if you were offering one (and I read it like that *even though I knew where the question came from*). Given that I read it that way, I think you cannot assume all other voters consciously had your reading in mind.

(Actually, the fact that you have to 'assume' people get it IMO clouds the results regardless of whether they actually do. And come on, you could've at least given a little bit of background information regarding the purchase in the description.. Most people probably vote on the front page, without actually reading what is stated on this page, but if you believe people did understand the implications of your poll, this would have been a very good place to put some exact numbers to their estimates. Given that most people vote without reading further, I'd still be inclined to take the results with a grain of salt, but at least you'd have made the effort to inform people. Now it seems like you've intentionally left the info out..)

Photo of Joris Jan de Keijser
Photo of Joris Jan de Keijser

I'd rather buy the new Mario Kart, 3 motion plus wii-motes and 4 wii u pro controllers (or sth along those lines).