
What skill would you like to learn for your career?

18% 18%
18% 18%
3% 3%
21% 21%
41% 41%

Total votes: 39 Final result

Photo of Emily Beuken
Photo of Emily Beuken

Which is more aesthetic: one goth on a unicycle or two goths on a tandem?
Which is more aesthetic: one goth on a unicycle or two goths on a tandem or three goths on one bike?

31% 31%
35% 35%
35% 35%

Total votes: 26 Final result

If the faculty had more money, what would you spend it on?

24% 24%
41% 41%
12% 12%
22% 22%

Total votes: 49 Final result

Are you excited for the Introductory Camp Afterparty?

20% 20%
40% 40%
25% 25%
0% 0%
15% 15%

Total votes: 20 Final result

Photo of Jip Maijers
Photo of Jip Maijers

The Improg Midterm was fun, wasn't it?

22% 22%
18% 18%
16% 16%
18% 18%
26% 26%

Total votes: 50 Final result

How do you like your coffee?
We will use this as a guideline for our coffee policy.

0% 0%
0% 0%
43% 43%
14% 14%
43% 43%

Total votes: 7 Final result

Photo of Chris Ausema
Photo of Chris Ausema

Is Beijum part of the city of groningen

62% 62%
12% 12%
8% 8%
11% 11%
8% 8%

Total votes: 65 Final result

Photo of Anco Gietema
Photo of Anco Gietema

Do you want lasers and smoke machines at the gala?

69% 69%
8% 8%
23% 23%

Total votes: 39 Final result

What subject would you like a company talk to be about?
We like to know what our members find interesting subjects to hear about from companies. Then we can communicate better towards companies about what we would like from them.

10% 10%
21% 21%
10% 10%
24% 24%
34% 34%

Total votes: 29 Final result

Photo of Niek Naber
Photo of Niek Naber

Are you excited for Covers fifth lustrum?

11% 11%
66% 66%
23% 23%

Total votes: 35 Final result