
Photo of Jelle Egbers
Photo of Jelle Egbers

About what subject would you like to learn more?
Taking in mind the career events, about what subject would you like to learn more?
Pick now and we will try to get a lecture on the topic you picked most!

7% 7%
16% 16%
30% 30%
7% 7%
9% 9%
32% 32%

Total votes: 44 Final result

Photo of Tim Haarman
Photo of Tim Haarman

Would you be interested in participating in the Wampex next year?
This year Cover participated in the yearly Wampex again with 3 teams. To determine whether and/or how we want to do this next year, we want to poll how many people at Cover are interested in participating next year.

For those who don't know the Wampex, it's a yearly survival hike through the nature of Frisia (Friesland), which happens at night and requires you to solve puzzles along the way to determine your route. More information and pictures can be found at http://www.wampex.nl/.

-The SporTee

33% 33%
67% 67%

Total votes: 33 Final result

Photo of Stijn Kramer
Photo of Stijn Kramer

Which day would you prefer for a Cover borrel?
The board is thinking about changing the day on which Cover borrels will be in the future. Which day of the week would you prefer?

48% 48%
7% 7%
19% 19%
26% 26%

Total votes: 42 Final result

Photo of Menno Liefstingh
Photo of Menno Liefstingh

Which letter should be the theme of the next Alfabetfeest?

8% 8%
14% 14%
3% 3%
28% 28%
47% 47%

Total votes: 36 Final result

Photo of Stijn Kramer
Photo of Stijn Kramer

A skiing trip by Cover
See options ->

35% 35%
35% 35%
5% 5%
26% 26%

Total votes: 43 Final result

When do you want to have a Cover prom?
See options.

21% 21%
29% 29%
5% 5%
45% 45%

Total votes: 38 Final result

Photo of Jelmer van der Linde
Photo of Jelmer van der Linde

Snail race! Pick your snail
Who will win???!?

47% 47%
20% 20%
7% 7%
27% 27%

Total votes: 15 Final result

Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

Earth will be eventually be destroyed by

30% 30%
27% 27%
36% 36%
0% 0%
3% 3%
3% 3%

Total votes: 33 Final result

Photo of Robin Twickler
Photo of Robin Twickler

I'm going to be North Netherlands best programmer and win a trip to Silicon Valley!!! devbattle.nl
Just like last year DevBattle is looking for the best programmer of the north of the Netherlands. Last year Djurre de Boer won the title.

On the 14th of October at 19:00 80 programmers will battle each other in four different rounds. The first prize is a trip to Silicon Valley!!!

For more information see: www.devbattle.nl

7% 7%
37% 37%
52% 52%
4% 4%

Total votes: 27 Final result

Photo of Anonymous
Photo of Anonymous

Should every poll have a pointless option?
Since the last one didn't have one and I'm very frustrated by that

0% 0%
7% 7%
4% 4%
20% 20%
11% 11%
59% 59%

Total votes: 46 Final result