
Photo of Annet Onnes
Photo of Annet Onnes

Crash or compile?

34% 34%
26% 26%
40% 40%

Total votes: 35 Final result

Photo of Matthijs de Haan
Photo of Matthijs de Haan

What do you think should be added to the CACHE?
What do you miss when you spend time in the CACHE?

3% 3%
15% 15%
8% 8%
28% 28%
20% 20%
25% 25%

Total votes: 60 Final result

Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

Which movie are you looking forward to most?
Chosen from trailers shown during Super Bowl 50

0% 0%
0% 0%
0% 0%
29% 29%
57% 57%
14% 14%

Total votes: 28 Final result

Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

Am I (Maikel) an egg?
I feel like a cute little egg! Overigens kut myptint.svcover.nl waarvoor je ingelogd moet zijn.

28% 28%
72% 72%

Total votes: 50 Final result

Photo of Jan Kazemier
Photo of Jan Kazemier

How much do you hate unbalanced parentheses? (e.g. like this))
Do you mind ((not that I care..)

42% 42%
26% 26%
16% 16%
10% 10%
6% 6%

Total votes: 31 Final result

Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

I want a PS4 in the coverroom
To play FIFA, Towerfall Ascension and many more games.

33% 33%
42% 42%
25% 25%

Total votes: 64 Final result

Photo of Jelmer van der Linde
Photo of Jelmer van der Linde

This Christmas I'll be playing…

81% 81%
4% 4%
7% 7%
7% 7%
0% 0%
0% 0%

Total votes: 27 Final result

Photo of Matthijs de Haan
Photo of Matthijs de Haan
12% 12%
63% 63%
9% 9%
16% 16%

Total votes: 43 Final result

Photo of Jordi van Giezen
Photo of Jordi van Giezen

Möchten Sie nächstes Jahr zum Oktoberfest in München gehen?
Mit Cover zum Oktoberfest? Nur drei Wörter braucht man dafür: Gut, besser, Paulaner!
Wenn Sie auf 'Ich hätte lieber eine Penismitella" abstimmen, werden wir das wie "JAWOHL" interpretieren.

[/Davey, Younes und Jordi]

14% 14%
19% 19%
27% 27%
35% 35%
5% 5%

Total votes: 37 Final result

Photo of Jip Maijers
Photo of Jip Maijers

Is Mario Party Unfair?
Doesn't Mario Party always screw YOU (and just you) over?

46% 46%
36% 36%
18% 18%

Total votes: 28 Final result