February 16

General Assembly

Event information

General Assembly

Date Time

Thu, Feb 16, 2023


BB 5161.0165



A General Assembly is a meeting to which every member is invited to discuss the future and current state of the association. If you are interested in the internal affairs of Cover, come and join a discussion about events, the budget, the committees and exciting ideas. All major decisions are made at General Assemblies, so, needless to say, it is important that as many members as possible are present.

Did you know that more than 400 papers are used every Cover GA?
For this reason, we would like to shift as much as possible to digital pieces. All documents that are discussed during General Assemblies are always available on sd.svcover.nl. We highly encourage reading the pieces there. If you would still like a set of printed documents, please email us at board@svcover.nl (you will also receive the pieces via email, one week before the General Assembly).

The documents will be available here: