June 27

General Assembly for Statutes Changes

Event information

General Assembly for Statutes Changes

Date Time

Tue, Jun 27, 2023


BB 5161.0165



Dear members,

We hereby invite you to the General Assembly on the 27th of June, 2023. The assembly starts at 17:30 and it will take place in the Bernoulliborg, room 0165.

A General Assembly is a meeting to which every member (and only those) is invited to discuss the future and current state of the association. If you are interested in the internal affairs of Cover, come and join a discussion about events, the budget, the committees and exciting ideas. All major decisions are made at General Assemblies, so, needless to say, it is important that as many members as possible are present.

During this GA we will be discussing some changes for the association’s statutes. Please read the documents carefully and provide us with your comments before the GA, to make it go as smoothly as possible.

The agenda and proposed statutes changes are available on this link:

Google Drive allows you to share comments directly on the documents. Please feel free to do so, so that we can prepare our answers and explanations beforehand, for a smooth process. Other relevant documents will be made available one week before the assembly. Send relevant documents or wishes/comments to board@svcover.nl in case you want them included at the assembly.

If you can’t attend, but still want your vote to count, please fill in the authorisation form and hand it over to the secretary of the board. Please use this responsibly and write down specifically how you want your vote to be used.

We hope to see you on June 27!

Kind regards,
Board XXXI
Sapere Aude