May 13

Cover Career Day

Event information

Cover Career Day

Date Time

Mon, May 13





This year's Cover Career Day is fast approaching! Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the horizon of your studies in Artificial Intelligence, Computing Science, or Computational Cognitive Science? Nowadays, every company deals with software, data, and tech in general in some way or another. This opens up a lot of doors for students like us, but might also seem daunting. How do you know which area or subfield of IT suits you best? What type of study background do you need to fulfill a certain position? What other possibilities are out there?

These and many other questions can and will be answered during the Cover Career Day. The event consist of lectures and workshops followed by an information market, where you can ask the questions you've always wanted to ask to CS and AI professionals. If you haven't had enough yet, stay for the networking social! This is the ideal moment to have a more informal talk with people from various companies and meet some new people. To commemorate this amazing day, you'll also receive goodies of your liking!

If you are not quite looking for a job yet, we still encourage you to come to this event! Career orientation early on in your studies might help you effectively shape your curriculum to suit the position you desire. Moreover, companies will not only tell about what it's like to work there, but also present a case or give a workshop that will be interesting for everyone!  

9:30 - 10:00 10:00 - 11:15 11:15 - 11:30 11:30 - 12:30 12:30 - 13:30 13:30 - 15:00 15:00 - 15:15 15:15 - 16:45 16:45 - 19:00
Check-in EA 5159.0029 (Web-IQ) Break EA 5159.0029 (CGI) Lunch break EA 5159.0062 (Data Provider), EA 5159.0267 (RDW) Break EA 5159.0062 (YER), EA 5159.0267 (Belsimpel) Information market & Networking drinks in the EA hallway


The presentation of Web-IQ will go into detail about what the company stands for and who we are. We will focus on a new location extraction model from the Machine Learning team involving a token classification method. Next to this, we will show the process of what it takes to go from data acquisition all the way to a good data visualization in our user application.


Insight into working at a large corporate consultancy firm from an AI expert (and former Cover member)

An international corporate consultancy firm has a lot to offer, but this might not be evident.
Robert Musters, AI expert at CGI Groningen, will unveil what CGI does, what the benefits are and what he does in his daily work.
The main components of most consultancy firms, namely: business consultancy, internal projects and integrating systems, are discussed, and given examples of.
He will conclude with his AI work at CGI and why he enjoys working at the firm.

The internet is not the place it was five or even two years ago. At we anticipate the way in which the web develops. What does that mean for our workflows? How can we detect the newest developments early on? In this talk, Tim Kreutz will explain how a machine learning project takes shape at and how we built a firm foundation on research without losing the ability to prototype and roll out changes fast. The lecture is followed by a short practical in which we look at a new project in the pipeline: detecting machine written text to easier identify fraudulent websites.


Tim Kreutz graduated from the master Information Science at the University of Groningen in 2017 and went on to get a PhD in Computational Linguistics at the University of Antwerp. He now works as a machine learning engineer at, a company committed to giving rich insights of the whole web. As part of the data science team, his job is to take the raw scans of the internet and predict interesting and reliable information about hosting, technology, businesses and content.


Information will follow soon!


While looking for a job you will have to compete with a lot of other people. That is why it is important to have a good CV and be fully prepared for the job interview. With this workshop you will boost your application skills! We will talk about do’s and don’ts, practice with job interviews and give you lots of tips and tricks. At the end you will also have the chance to get your CV or LinkedIn page checked by our colleagues of the Talent and Recruitment department


How do you prepare for a networking event? How do you confidently step into a
networking conversation? How do you approach someone who shows no interest in
you? We configure this training session in line with the students’ most pressing needs in
order to give them the most practical help possible.

We are still updating the website ! More information about how to sign up will follow!