June 05

Pre-GA Food Gathering

Event information

Pre-GA Food Gathering
Sign up

Date Time

Wed, Jun 5, 2024


Cover Room



This event is linked to the General Assembly. Visit this event as well for extra information: https://www.svcover.nl/calendar?agenda_id=4517

To have dinner together before the General Assembly, we will be having a food gathering in the Cover Room. We will be offering pizza and falafel!

Because it is a Pre-GA event, you will get a small 2.5 euro discount if you attend the GA until the end afterward.

The full prices are:
- 9 euro - FLFL wrap
- 10 euro - FLFL wrap XL
- 10 euro - Medium Margherita or Funghi
- 11.5 euro - Italian Margherita or Funghi

The prices might change depending on how many signups there are (and what discount options the shops have on the day)!

Sign up

Your registration will be linked to your account, so you need to login to register for this activity.

If you're not a member and still want to join, that might be possible. Contact the Board for more information.

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