
Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

Do you want a usefull poll for once?

7% 7%
15% 15%
4% 4%
22% 22%
52% 52%

Total votes: 27 Final result

Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

Who is the best player of the Dutch Soccer Team
Take your pick

0% 0%
4% 4%
2% 2%
2% 2%
17% 17%
74% 74%

Total votes: 46 Final result

Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

Pirates vs Ninjas

60% 60%
40% 40%

Total votes: 42 Final result

Photo of Ben Wolf
Photo of Ben Wolf

Would you like to attend Fablab for ¤10?
We will do a CAD workshop soon, in this workshop you can learn the basics of CAD modeling. Always wanted to design your own desktop pen holder, smartphone case or even a statue of yourself? With this you workshop, you can!

But what's even better: we'll attend Fablab as we did before. During this visit you'll be able to print/cut any designs you have made. (Or you could just create something over there) But we don't have additional budget for this activity, so it will cost some money.

19% 19%
25% 25%
28% 28%
28% 28%

Total votes: 32 Final result

Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

I think the McCie trip will go to:
Find out next wednesday on the borrel

5% 5%
5% 5%
20% 20%
5% 5%
28% 28%
38% 38%

Total votes: 40 Final result

Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe
4% 4%
2% 2%
15% 15%
6% 6%
15% 15%
58% 58%

Total votes: 53 Final result

Photo of Sander Feringa
Photo of Sander Feringa

What will be next Photoday's destination?
The FotoCie is organizing a Photoday again in early summer of 2014 and we need to know what our destination will be. Since we have seen a lot of Drenthe's countryside last year we want to visit a city/cities this year. Please help us with our grand-day-out's destination :D

11% 11%
8% 8%
26% 26%
8% 8%
11% 11%
37% 37%

Total votes: 38 Final result

Photo of Maikel Grobbe
Photo of Maikel Grobbe

What is the worst course in the Bachelor AI or CS
You tell me!

22% 22%
14% 14%
18% 18%
6% 6%
2% 2%
37% 37%

Total votes: 49 Final result

Photo of Jelmer van der Linde
Photo of Jelmer van der Linde

Where should the next StudCie trip go to
Yesterday 14 Cover members just returned from Bremen. Now, where should the next StudCie trip go to?

For your information: Franeker once had a university but now you can visit the world famous planetarium. CERN is located in Geneva and LEGOland is close to Kolding. So vote for Kolding.

17% 17%
21% 21%
36% 36%
5% 5%
21% 21%

Total votes: 42 Final result

Photo of Jouke van der Weij
Photo of Jouke van der Weij

What is the urgent announcement?

9% 9%
23% 23%
21% 21%
6% 6%
21% 21%
19% 19%

Total votes: 47 Final result